Vision Statement
We envision a world in which women's rights are recognized as human rights and every woman can achieve her full potential.
In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision-making positions on an equal basis with men.
In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence.
Zonta Clubs are dedicated to helping others. One of our service projects is bags of personal items for women in need from domestic violence through the Family Crisis Services. The bags contain various cosmetics, dental care, toiletries, washcloths, and towels donated and bagged by our members. We support SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) at Cañon City's hospital by supplying sweat suits and other supplies for the victims of sexual assault.

We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.
Our Open Invitation
We invite you to attend and participate in our monthly meetings, fund raisers, membership events or special activities prior to joining. This will allow you to get to know and network with our dynamic members. Once we get to know each other you will see the benefits of becoming an active member of the Zonta Club of Royal Gorge.
Membership in Zonta International and the Zonta Club of Royal Gorge is by invitation. We are an international service organization dedicated to advancing the status of women locally and globally. Membership is a responsibility that requires time, resources, and financial commitments.
Membership is open to executives or professionals in recognized business, institution, or professional occupation, and willing to support the objectives of Zonta. Member classification is based on occupations and the Zonta classification system based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations.
Members are responsible for regularly attending club and relevant committee meetings. You must pay all dues, fees, and assessments promptly. You may be called upon to serve in leadership roles and give your time, talent, and enthusiasm to the organization. You are also responsible for identifying and recommending prospective new members. As time and resources allow, you are encouraged to also attend Area, District, and International Meetings, Workshops, Conferences, and Conventions. We are an active service organization in the Royal Gorge region and are committed to making a difference in the status of women in our communities.

History of the
Zonta Club of Royal Gorge
The Zonta Club of the Cañon City Area was Chartered with 20 members in February 1973. We later changed our name to the Zonta Club of the Royal Gorge Region to clarify our representation of all the surrounding towns in our area. We currently have one of the Charter Members still residing in Cañon City.
In the early days, we held our meetings in the homes of members with potluck dinners, but as the Club grew, we later changed the meeting to the famed “Belvedere Restaurant and Road House”. This landmark Road House has closed, but we continue to host meetings at local restaurants. We have hosted many Area Meetings and even have one District Conference under our belt.
Our members are strong, dynamic, professional women who provide support to women in our community and the world in meaningful and beneficial ways through Zonta Club of the Royal Gorge Region.
Early fundraiser projects included Fashion Shows with a luncheon highlighting local businesses, including children’s fashions. Our members became fashion models overnight. We have also had themed dances, sold tickets, made decorations, and danced the night away. Unfortunately, we have also sold a fair number of nuts – mostly to ourselves as we do not seem to be great at selling.
Our most rewarding fundraiser/service project was our Artful Women show, partnering with CASA for a couple of years to increase community awareness. This project has gained us recognition in the community and increased our membership as well as helped us fund our International, District, and Local donations, most notably with a non-traditional scholarship awarded to a woman student, to be used at her discretion. We have been awarding a Young Woman in Public Affairs Award, a Zonta International program for many years. We also provide information to the educational entities regarding Zonta’s District and International Scholarships available.
In the fall of 2015, we took on a new fundraising event with A Girls’ Night Out - The Zonta Zing, showcasing women-owned and women-centered businesses and endeavors. We held this event for a few years and are bringing it back in March of 2025.
Advocacy and Service
In February 2015, we sponsored the local One-Billion Rising Event, held internationally on February 14 to bring awareness to violence against women and children, we have continued this annual event since 2015. We have expanded the event to include various events such as a documentary film and discussion. In 2020 we partnered with the Family Crisis Center to present What Were You Wearing? a survivor art installation.
In 2019 our club started making reusable Hygiene Kits for girls who are limited to education access while they are menstruating. We are partnering with a local organization that distributes them in 3rd world countries.
In past years, our Zonta Club has sewn Zonta Bears for the patients at our local hospital as “comfort toys.” More recently, we provide clothing to the SANE Program for rape victims whose clothing is taken away for evidence. During the Christmas season, we donate personal items for women and children affected by domestic violence and abuse through our local rape crisis center.
Our Club has been active in the Orchard of Hope fundraising that benefits local cancer patients. We have fundraised and participated in the one-day event hosted by the Orchard of Hope Committee. All proceeds gathered for this event are donated to the Orchard of Hope Charity.
Our Zonta Club participates in “Take Back the Night”. We donate funds and take part in the event by walking with survivors of domestic/physical/mental abuse, including the sharing of success stories.